Tuesday, April 25, 2006

Sisi lain dari urat muka

When I draw this one, I got something mumbling in my head. It looks like I'm not drawing this object or gesture of face or even detailing vain object. Since I'm not in the mood drawing this one, I’m thinking what is beneath the vain.

every detail like I see "life" detail
skin face its only the outside of physical appearance, it just covered
like human covered with each person attitude
kindly people, honest, charming, elegant, beauty, but the inside there much more than that

beneath the skin face there another muscle and again inside threes veins, and much more flesh and sometimes we see flesh and we say "euww.."
Almost as the same as people, when we get closed to someone, and knowing the truth of the inside..Sometime we get ill feel. Mostly it’s because of the attitude each person inside.

Punishing people, after the bad what he/she had done, for entirely of his life is not the wise way. Coz sometime people do some bad thing is un anticipated, unplanned. Just happened like that. Bet everyone have done one bad thing in his life.
So why just we try to let it go, get them off the hook, so they can do nice thing forward to it
coz after someone had a dream and hopes I believed they will achieved it till the get what they want....

Saturday, April 22, 2006

2 hour working on this WIP

fiuhhh....kindda hard to to this one..proportion and shape, I've to know u vertex, u have quite a character. but I try to know u well (call me insane..hehe)

karatan nee fusion gwe..

ckckck....spertinya karatan nee fusion gwe...
keracunin ama after ngepet...

spertinya dulu "indah" dan "nikmat" banget ngulik software nee atu...
gwe slalu banding2in ma after efx...

gwe coba bikin composetting di DF buat dapeting deep of nya environment, beberapa object gwe dibantu 3dmax, konsepnya sih pengen buat sci fi environmet 3d yg ada sphere muter2, tapi mainproposednya buat bumper ID company tempat gwe kerja, agak seru aja, palagi ga "di list on project" so gak da yg supervise, gwe bisa ngatur waktu sendiri, lebih bebas mo pake efx apa ajah...tapa takut revisi, kali2 aja keren...and bisa dipake..

niatnya sih mo continue to countdown
so maybe bisa di jadiin TVC jg
project asal jadi, nee namanye,....

Friday, April 21, 2006

Wednesday, April 19, 2006

Pusing2 Brunei at Bandar

yah beginilah bandar yang paling macet...
hihihi.....(ngikik..), maksudnye anti narkoba...
pertama kali gwe liat ne sign..."ngikik sendirian"
klo di jkt "Parkir ksono noh.."
tempat neduh "tukang parkir", yang kasih tiket sejem sekali di bandar..
jalan biasa kite klo mo lunch to "seven Heaven"
turis2 korea...lagi pada tour...d bandar to kampong ayer
ibu2 pulang dari pasar mo pulang ke kampung ayer..mesti pake boat
eskalator dari kampung ayer gate to Yayasan(klo kite bilang mah... Mall Bandar)
oneof dream spot to Ollie the hidran...(sayang blakang embassy ausi..ntar ke Geb)

see..klo jam 5 teng..pada nogkrong dah depan ofis..."sigup wang"...
view dr bangku taman depan ofis..
the sleepy town bandar

famous Mesjid Omar Ali Saefudin (Alm.bokapnye sultan Hassanal Bolkiah)

Sunday, April 16, 2006

3rd WIP Nosveratu demon

this time, I get refine the number of vertex, and reduce to iteration 1 in turbo smooth, to get the shape of original more smooth in between the face of polygon.
Not much improved but the most important I learn the character of the vertex and the sensitive of value gird especially after I give the turbo smooth.

The horn I decided get more big to get the head proportion more weird*

need more improvement after I refine the poly in face area.

well see in couple of days..maybe I have to get some refference for a while...

Friday, April 14, 2006

3D Modeling "Thronenosveratu" WIP

and this is second wip...quite unhappy coz stopped by error in max...but..eniwey I got to work at nine..so...this last progress.
I need more time again to get the shape modified to look real...so lets continue in the next WIP

Since I got many inspired by vamp so I try doing some modeling "again"....
after almost long time ago I got confused and out of track in modeling.

First time, I do this, not work out so well. See picture bellow. Not even closed to my monster, or should I say”foggy head", little bit fustrated with this one...so I left it for almost A month...

suddenly, I decided to continue again...motivated by something not important thing..."can't sleep"....

many input from josh to add some google vertices in area of eyes...
so I did it.., someone sad it have to be try over and over again but I try to continue, my last model..hehe

Thursday, April 13, 2006

Marlboro brothers...

kiri marlboro Indonesia(import) hardpack dari bokap temen gwe, kanan marlboro softpack, kosumsi sini..

well, rasanya aja bisa beda..gak tau knapa yg di indonesia lebih soft ke tengorokan, lebih empuk, smooth.
smentara yg di jual disini knapa lebih "nyegak" alias agak keras dikit..

di kemasannya ada peringatan pemerintah indonesia gede bagong
smentara melarang mrokok kemasan sini kecil irit dan gak terlalu catchy..

harga bandrol Rp. 9000, smentara di Brunei sini 3 $ Brunei, =15rb lebih.

well..ada maksud tertentu gak yah??, yang pasti marlboro ada dimana2..
inget temen bilang di Auzi..Rp.50rb...kusyuuut...

hehe..."mari beramai ramai merusak paru-paru...!!"

Tuesday, April 11, 2006

TAI (Tenaga Animator Indonesia) at the beach

wuih...dengan gak maksud menyaingi animator2 lain di luar negri, kali ini team TAI dan production, berangkat ke muara beach untuk latihan jaipongan, with help from talented mr. yg tidak mau disebutkan namanya, mencapture, moment ini dengan nikon coolpix 2100, 2,o mp.

To bad joe gak bs ikut, sibuk dengan "meng-animate pulau kapuknya", dedicated to catur avid editor yg setia "menemani" klien.

Big Thxs to my bos Mr.Adam for letting us to take a break....

Here some documentation:

1. bloking positioning jaipongan di pasir

2. "Shaking" moment in volley beach

3. "smess keras dari team kiri sodara2..."

4. "belaga jadi atlit pake jatoh segala..."
5. "on sunset silhouet volley beach"

6. Me and my supervisor, (photonya keren banget bow...!!!) :P
7. Team Jaipongan "Tampak Siring" dari Klaten jawa tengah
(terima untuk panggilan pesta kawinan, atau pesta ulang tahun....)
hub: tante lesus di gang seke loa, tajur (sebelah nasi uduk mbo tantri), ketok pintu tiga kali. passsword : "bisa main tante...??"

Monday, April 10, 2006

Deadpool "mix media"

Someday I look to marvel magazine finding favorite character which hasn’t got the fame yet...
Deadpool make me amaze..so I try redrawing it to A3 piece my drawing book

this time I mix media, first sketch to get the proportion using mechanic pencils, sometimes I render it simple to get the shading passé, then I try my new Luna Colored pencils to fill in the colored. Then I not satisfied with the dark area color, so I get my black Rp 1000,- "spidol" to get the shadow darker.
I get deep to muscle shading, coz in there I got the feeling of deep shape. I enjoy this part so drowning..till morning come I still coloring

finishing at the background I'll do simple in colored pencils sketching but it to tin and I don’t get the smooth gradient...so I just finish the typo title then I do in Photoshop..
Little adjustment here and there for the level brightness and contras...
so I guess. I deserved to be uploading in my blog...even it's already 5 years ago in Bandung

this memory can't be erased in mine..So I keep it in my blog and site...

Magnificent HDRI...

High Dynamic Range image ( HDRI ) ini, helpfull banget.. = big thx to Jojo and Vandy=
just simple "ceplok" dimaterial langsung jadi...
but, beberapa waktu lalu gwe coba sama flying logo object, spertinya ada sedikit hambatan...
HDRI ini so sensitive sama lighting, coz material die sendiri sudah memilki lighting exposure sendiri,dan bisa di atur Internal storagenya...seru..seru....

hambatanya object yg dirender dengan scasnline render biasa akan ada bagian2 yg "jegis".. alias flicker when live in TV..

tapi mental ray memang very nice calculating di lightingnya, (see...pict bagian 2)
yg jegis.. agak blury sedikit..dan gak terlalu fliker..

hehe...hope it helpfull for everyone