Sunday, July 09, 2006

Great...I got A tshirt..from bangkok...
Joe just back from bangkok
Very happy he, presented his own showreel to bangkok

this are one of them...The famous the post bangkok
so cool...wish I'll be there too

he telling me that there somethin out there...
still so much side of the world that have to be explore...

Joe tell me how they hospitality become one of the habit to satisfied client...

hmm...what a lucky he are...
mebbe someday...let see..

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous9:15 PM

    Bener bgt soal "so much side of the world that have to be explore", udah hampir setahun Rio di Brunei, eneg2an bareng... gue masih tunggu his best moment!.. Apalagi banyak dapet ilmu dari CGoverdrive...hehehee
