Saturday, June 10, 2006

curhat sang motionographer

"hehh, apaa nee.,.. jeg barangnye bagus neee... "mang gini epeknye ye brur...??"

kok jadi nguantuk geneee..."'

"sial...kok motor bgn parkir pinggir jalan...
gak takut ilang apa...!!!"(mang di jkt!)

mas..mas...ngantri apah....
kok...pake sendal jepit...diofis..

this is my birthday..

"congratilation are in order sir.." and you to rachel
Mr.Adam and Miss Rachel Birthday in a same day...

"What is it sir...??? Am I poisoned...?
it dizzy me of...?
(ngarep trus.....yok!!)

"boz, gwe makanin dulu yeh...kburu kampung tengah kruyuk2 ngajakin ribut..

"xcuse mr. with tie", gwe duluan..maklum TKI ky gwe gak nahan liat nasi nganggur.."

Mr.Adam(d manager), yoga(d gaffer),(mr.tie)dunno, tjatur(d avid master)

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