Thursday, June 22, 2006

WIP nosferatu demon

herann...gak kelar2 gwe punya karakter satu ini....menurut saran bapa dosen warung CG..kita hrs buat alternatif...buat developing caracter. So I decided to change...the image...
hope...continue dr yg lama... 3design baru lagi gwe coba acak2 dikit...
tetep Torn-nya di exacurate tapii...nyawanya aja gwe coba bikin litle bit...animal...
klo yg atas...lebih berwibawa klo kaya king or the Head of tribes..karismatik
klo yg bawah gwe coba lebih sense...just following naluri...
kira2 yang mana yah...
klo ada yg mampir...please input...sambil gwe cb cari2 lagi..reference..

Sunday, June 18, 2006

"There a tide in the affair's between man and woman, which taken to the flood, leads on to the fortune. But omited and the voyage of their life is bound is shallow and in miseries. On such a full sea we now float, and we must take the current when it served, or loose the venture before us"...

maybe this quote inspired me to the consequences of relationship, when there’s a new relation then someday will be broke up just like that..
It will be better for the two of us…. to the best for both of Us..

Sunday, June 11, 2006

Day by day I found my clean and neat style not appropriate with my own style... Every day there is noise come in and out, sketches during render, scratch in middle..
So I decided to take a modify trough my website design.
unfortunatly because of "un wonderful" my hosting server I can't uploaded my new site, anyway they give me time to improved my loaded motion first.
Hopefully it increases my new spirit. Of flame...

The quote of today:
"fame is bitch goddess famous flood, its foam, going to break your heart, but creativity is passionate and it’s endless. If you looking for fame you'll loose your soul, if you looking creation you'll found it"

Saturday, June 10, 2006

curhat sang motionographer

"hehh, apaa nee.,.. jeg barangnye bagus neee... "mang gini epeknye ye brur...??"

kok jadi nguantuk geneee..."'

"sial...kok motor bgn parkir pinggir jalan...
gak takut ilang apa...!!!"(mang di jkt!)

mas..mas...ngantri apah....
kok...pake sendal jepit...diofis..

this is my birthday..

"congratilation are in order sir.." and you to rachel
Mr.Adam and Miss Rachel Birthday in a same day...

"What is it sir...??? Am I poisoned...?
it dizzy me of...?
(ngarep trus.....yok!!)

"boz, gwe makanin dulu yeh...kburu kampung tengah kruyuk2 ngajakin ribut..

"xcuse mr. with tie", gwe duluan..maklum TKI ky gwe gak nahan liat nasi nganggur.."

Mr.Adam(d manager), yoga(d gaffer),(mr.tie)dunno, tjatur(d avid master)

Friday, June 09, 2006

Fame Is a Foam

Fame is bitch goddess famous flood, and its like foam, going to break your heart, but creativity is passionate and its endless. If you looking for fame you will loose your soul, you looking creation you will find it.