Wednesday, May 09, 2007

Wednesday, April 04, 2007

Saturday, January 06, 2007

Jog Reason

since...i jog again this mornin, i feel exausted, but my blood flow geeting smoother, but then again, mu hips, lil bit kram...worthed actually, got all mmy sweat come out...
many influence of of this kind of sport do people did, but my one lil bit different:

-I can see scenery tat i dont really like to see it in detail....
-my head think clearly after I jog..maybe bcoz the fallback also which my friend tell me so..
-stimulate me to think positif way...
but it's not all, mebbe I have most reason i like much is...

"Lari Dari Kenyataan.."

no lah...
we can't do tat...eniwey..I like this kind of thing for now...

Wednesday, January 03, 2007

today 04 jan2007

hey, never write any since no time...
eniwey, so many happening day until now...
kinda little bad and good...

I'm fresh like this ice block come out from freezer..
I jog this mornin..
like to get sweat hard till my cloths wet...

I do work out, but not today...
seem when I'm running along the house...
my thought went to every house that I look over my eyes...
they are so pretty, just like they own tat house in splash...
I run to this get some air, but I also had...scenery tat I dont expected...
all this house here got stair on second level...
like thing "panggung house"

I many question in my mind
1. why they build the house like they afraid of wild animal attack?
2. is there stiil any of them(the animal)?, i just saw litle monkeys...
3. are they socialize, with their neighbor?
4. hows their live?
5. it is just like going to work, go home at nite while his wife take care the house? tat's it?
6. where are the children, I did'nt see children laying ball outside the house, near the road?i used to do tat...when I was litle...
...I got several mumblin question...
until I realize I run so far...away...

shouut..I got to work...
so I run again toward direction before i go there...

kindda fun,
tat's why I always frefer running alone, no dopod, no ipod, no electronics, just my running shoes, shirt and short...